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Rally Obedience Classes 


Rally Class with Claudette Beaulieu


Novice & Intermediate

Mondays 6:15p  & Wednesdays 9:00 am


Advanced & Masters 

Mondays 7:30 pm & Wednesdays 10:30 am

Rally is a fun sport where dogs and handlers navigate a course of stations, designed by a judge. Each station has a sign with instructions for actions to be performed by the team. The team works at its own pace to complete the course. In Rally, handlers are encouraged to talk to and praise their dogs as they navigate the course. 

In this class, you and your dog will learn the skills needed to enter AKC Rally Novice. Each week, new signs will be introduced, and you will have a chance to practice the skills needed to successfully complete a course. AKC Rally rules will be explained, and you will get the chance to practice on courses. Working through distractions will be part of the class.

To participate, dogs should have basic everyday obedience skills (sit, down, stay, walk on leash) and should have completed Family Dog II or its equivalent. Handlers need not have competed in Rally before. 

What to bring: a hungry dog, lots of yummy treats, a clicker and a sense of humor!

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